Thursday, September 23, 2004

Erev Yom Kippur-Gam Zu Litova!

Just a thought inspired by my father-his car broke down tonight after 12 years, and he's probably gonna have to get a new one...and when I asked him if he had a bad day he answered with a smile "Gam Zu Litova!" thought is that it's Erev Yom Kippur-so if anything C"V bad happens to you (yes, even down to putting your hand in your pocket and taking out the wrong coin), it MUST be a kapara! (Even more so than usual ;) ) How can the Satan be mikatreg if you're already having tza'ar? Gam zu litova. Gmar chasima tova and may we see NO tza'ar in the coming year for all of klal yisroel!!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

So I'm studying my Latin verbs like a good girl for LATN 101 and found a cool thing!
Amabo te=please
Literally, though, it means "I will love you"
So when the Romans would ask each other for something politely, they would say "PLEASE!! (I'll be your best friend!!!)"

Monday, September 06, 2004

Bottling Time

I think this idea was from ZZ, but I completely agree..

Don't you wish you could just bottle time when you have extras of it and save it for when you're desperate for more?

I think the same should apply for happiness...


Was flipping through the "next blogs" to see if there was anything interesting...terrible waste of time, usually...but look what I found!

Two bubbles found they had rainbows on their curves.
They flickered out saying:
"It was worth being a bubble,
just to have held that rainbow thirty seconds."

It's by Carl Sandburg. I like it. Thanks, Lisa!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

It's ELUL!!

I still have 3 1/2 chapters left to go before I'm finished my reading for tonight (History classes are just lovely...), but I stopped to do my long-distance chavrusa and had to share an insight.
There's a story in the Gemara about two Rabanim that were talking and someone came up to them and asked them a question:
"My workers are working for me in the Shemita (7th Year-when the Land rests) and taking olives from the trees as payment. Is that allowed?"
When the Rabbis answered him in the negative, he turned and walked away immediatly, prompting R' Elazar Ben R' Tzadok to comment:
"I have lived in this land for 40 years and never saw a man with such fear of sin as this man."
The man later returned to them and asked them what to do in his specific situation, they gave him advice, and the matter was done.
What was so amazing? The man heard a Psak (rabbinical ruling), and realized he was doing something wrong. He didn't pause for a minute to see where he should progress from there-he just ran home to make sure that he wasn't sinning for an extra second!!
The point of the Michtav Me'eleyahu (who brings this down) is to show how one should fix his ways on Erev Rosh Hashana (and always!). As soon as you realize you're doing something wrong-don't waste an extra second!! Go and correct the chait, and then progress from can only move up!!
May we all have the Hashgacha and inspiration (we DO have it-it's just about seeing it..) to do the same. Amain.