Friday, April 08, 2005

Sky is BLUUUUUUUUE and random thoughts

Happy beautiful day! It's amazing what a difference a day makes. Yesterday was rainy and dark-it looked like someone (or rather, Someone), had colored the world gray with a crayon. In keeping with that, I had an awful day! I actually got to the point of tears before I realized that one completely destroyed dinner would not destroy my life and burst out laughing...;)

Three random things I noticed this week (there were four, but I can't remember the last one now):

1. Disclaimer: I'm not trying to make a statement, I'm just trying to point out an interesting fact. People use terms like homophobe and Islamiphobe (I saw both in quick succession) to describe people who hate these groups, and yet hatred of Jews is not a phobia, it's just an anti-ness...

2. People are all wired now-I find it a bit frightening. Walking around campus, everyone either has their Ipods or their cellphone wires in their ears. I saw someone I knew and called her name, but she didn't answer because she was wired-seperate from the world, focused only on what was being fed directly into her brain. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know.

3. A sign: "Conversion Questions? Meet with the experts: Reform and Conservative Rabbis" and dates and contact information.

Just inerestin'

Hope your day is as beautiful as mine, and have a wonderful Shabbos!!


defen said...

Glad your day was blue. :)

I found the second the most thought-provoking. "Focused only on what was being fed directly into her brain." Sounds like science fiction, yknow? Except it's not some Big Brother entity doing the feeding - everyone chooses what's on their own menu...

Keren Perles said...

People ARE so wired. And we love technology and all (hey, it's what keeps us attached to Olam HaBlog, krect?), but there's got to be a limit. There was one student that my professor was telling us about who was actually clinically addicted to his online fantasy gaming world. It was messing up his grades, his personal life, everything. And he was actually addicted to it, in a way similar to a drug addict or an alcoholic. Sad, hm?

And thought provoking...