Monday, May 23, 2005


Thanks to, I've been catching up on R' Tatz's shiurim. Wow.

In the one I just finished, R' Tatz talks about speech. Words make concepts smaller, compress ideas, and therefore necessarilly destroy some of the concept being discussed. Once one tries to solidify a concept into finite words, so much of the concept is lost, because so much is not describable. This is why a picture is worth 1000 of them. At least. Because words are empty, and very hard to use for describing Reality. Another thing he adds-the stronger a connection a relationship has, the less the people need to speak to each other.

Random:"Aura" sounds very much like "אורה". Coincedence? I think not.

Sorry. It's clearly a concept that can't be put into my words...listen to the shiur, it's beautiful.

1 comment:

TRW said...

"I often find myself getting frustrated when I try to convey something I am feeling or seeing to another person because I feel that they don't fully comprehend my standpoint."

Yeah, me too. I certainly don't think in words, just kind of in abstract it's often hard for me to get it out, much less to get the person I'm talking to to understand what I'm saying ;)

"to sometimes accept that the way others see things may be different, but they aren't wrong."

I didn't connect that, it's very true! It's something I have trouble understanding sometimes...